The wondrous children’s story of the “glass boy” by Pyotr Tchaikovsky is woven into the timeless music of the composer’s Children’s Album and a fairy-tale plot depicted in sand on a screen. The music of Children’s Album comes to life before the children’s very eyes through the unusual, colourful and at times magical sound of melodious percussion instruments – the marimba, bells, xylophone and vibraphone as well as louder percussion instruments. This arrangement of Tchaikovsky’s renowned piano cycle for percussion ensemble was produced by the composer and arranger Anatoly Ivanov and will be performed for a St Petersburg audience for the first time at this concert.
Animation in sand is one of the most amazing forms of visual art. Before the very eyes of the audience, the sand artist will create pictures out of sand; the sand is placed in layers on glass – this results in the stunning images that gently flow one into another, and with the assistance of a projector the image is shown on a screen.
The fairy-tales will be narrated and drawn by:
Olga Piccolo, Director of the Piccolo Children’s Music Lecture-Hall, music psychologist, music historian and storyteller
Oxana Kalinko, an artist with the SandARTist sand animation studio of Marina Sosina
The Percussion+ ensemble comprising:
Alexei Chizhik
Pavel Chizhik
Sergei Buranov
Yuri Alexeyev
Alexander Petrov
Musical composition and production by Olga Piccolo