St Petersburg, The rehearsal studio

Fruity Piano

methodology master-class

For the first time in Russia, at the Mariinsky-II there will be two methodological master-classes using the Maki-Maki children’s new developmental music and play platform. Teachers of children’s general aesthetic and extracurricular music activities are also invited to attend these sessions.

The sessions and master-classes will be conducted by Dr Enrico Bertelli (Italy-Great Britain) and Emily Robertson (USA-Great Britain).

Dr Enrico Bertelli is a music researcher and curator of music programmes in new sound technology for performers and composers and a teacher of individual and group music lessons as part of the United Kingdom’s national music curriculum in schools.

Emily Robertson is a graduate of the University of Maryland, a postgraduate and composer at the Sonic Arts Research Centre in Belfast (Northern Ireland), artist-in-residence at the Metropolitan Arts Centre and a teacher of music theory and piano for children.

For more detailed information about the project please go to the website of the ART-PARKING Centre for New Technology in the Arts. (only in Russian).

To register for the master-class, please telephone +7-921-9470749

Age category 6+

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