St Petersburg, Concert Hall

The magical world of opera

Conductor: Gavriel Heine

The on-line broadcast may be viewed on the website

Second concert of the twelfth subscription

Script Author and Host: Natalia Entelis
Stage Director: Alexander Maskalin
Production Designer: Oleg Molchanov
Lighting Designer: Roman Peskov

It is hard to believe that the Grand Old Dame of Opera is over four hundred years old. In the dim and distant past, as it was developing in Italy, it immediately became immensely popular. As well it might! Because opera is an unusual genre. It is a theatre play written through the "word" of music and acted out by musicians. It is governed by its own laws: there is no incidental music, every note and every sound must allow the action unfolding on stage the ability to express the protagonist's condition and characters.
The Grand Old Dame of Opera has her own secrets, and she reveals these only to her most loyal devotees. Love opera and it will tell you about the voices with which its heroes "speak", how a singer becomes a character and how to draw a character's portrait or depict a landscape with the help of music.
Discover these secrets, and Opera will grant you permission to enter her magical world.

Age category 6+

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