St Petersburg’s Terem-Quartet is a unique orchestra – an ensemble that opens up unchartered musical territories, an innovative ensemble and the first ensemble in the world that also composes music. Since the very day that it was founded on 26 November 1986 this musical ensemble has never been afraid to experiment. Collaborating with jazz and rock musicians, concerts with symphony orchestras and folklore ensembles, opera and ballet projects, a performance at the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest with a rousing version of legendary stage hits and even performing at Karl Lagerfeld’s House of Chanel Paris–Moscow fashion show – all of this bears witness to the continued artistic discoveries the Terem-Quartet Russian musical ensemble has been making ever since it was established a quarter of a century ago.
Vasily Gerello’s career and that of the Terem-Quartet’s musicians first came together as far back as 1989 (at the time they were still students at the Leningrad Conservatoire). The musicians still consider the most extraordinary event in their lives to be an impromptu performance in the Stockholm underground. With their inherently youthful fervour, they stood in a pedestrian tunnel and performed a live concert – the furore following which the musicians remember to this day… The unusual energy and explosive emotionality that crosses all linguistic and cultural barriers, the bewitching honesty and unusual sincerity that warms the hearts of the audience – all of this together has furthered their astounding artistic union.